Pack 1 - Vegeta


Base - Vegeta Segunda forma Base
SSJ - Vegeta Segunda forma SSJ
SSJ2 - Vegeta Segunda forma SSJ2
SSJ Dios - Vegeta Explorador
SSJ Blue - Vegeta Ozaru
SSJ Blue Evolution - Majin Vegeta


Traje 1 - Vegeta Torneo de Poder
Traje 2 - Vegeta Torneo de Poder Camisa Rota
Traje 3 - Vegeta Yardrat (Manga)
Traje 4 - Vegeta Capsule Corp (DBH)

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Slideer do you take request i was wondering if you can replace unused characters to DBS characters for me if its possible but i dont know if you have a email or gmail that i can pm directly to you so i can explain which characters i want you to replace
